
Motorola devices

cliq xt
(Hold Camera & the Power button until the device indicates to stop. Then press the Volume Down button to boot to the recovery)

(Hold the X key on the keyboard & the Power button until the device boots to the recovery)

droid 2
(x + power button)

droid x bravo
(hold vol down and power on)

(Hold the X key and then hold the power
When you see the Moto symbol you can release the
power key)

(power button and X button)

droid pro
(X key on the keyboard and power on, keep holding down the X key until recovery.
Now close the slider and hold down the Volume
Up button, then press the Camera button while still
holding volume up)

(Hold the Volume Down key button. Press and hold the Power key button until
the device will turn ON)boot loader

(Press Power key + Camera Mode Key to
power on the phone and bring up the recovery screen
Press Volume Up + Camera Key to show the
recovery menu)

(hold down the volume
DOWN key during the boot-up)

milestone 2
(Hold vol up+vol down when led
turns blue)

atrix 4g
(press and hold the Power and
Camera buttons
When prompted message appers, release the
Camera button
Press and hold the Volume Down key)

droid bionic
(Press down Volume up and Volume down
keys, simultaneously, and then press the power
button while keeping the volume keys pressed.)

droid x2
Push and hold Power + Volume Down while
powering up, until " Fast Boot " appears at the top
of the screen, then release both buttons. Push Volume Down 7 times to scroll to
" Android Recovery "
Push Volume Up to select.
Push and hold Volume Up + Volume Down to
access the Recovery Menu.

droid 3
(Power button+ X key)

photon 4g
( press and hold
volume down button , press power
button .Screen will come up with
" Fastboot " , press Vol down key to
cycle through choices until you get
" Android Recovery " , then press
Vol up key

(vol down +power button)

droid razr
(vol up+ vol down+power button)

atrix 2
(Power off the phone, press and hold volume down
button, press power button.
Screen will come up with "Fastboot", press Vol
down key to cycle through choices until you get
"Android Recovery", then press Vol up key)